Europe, East Asia, South America

Paracas, Peru

·         Feasibility study for GTZ Germany (technical foreign cooperation agency): evaluate options for establishing a visitor centre in a nature reserve, Paracas Peninsula, Peru (2001)



Created and managed (until 2004) Marine mammals and sea birds (MINOS): foundations for impact assessment of offshore wind farms (2002-2007)



·         Project leader for Towards a Marine and Maritime Research Community (MARCOM+): Creating a Forum for enhanced cooperation of marine and maritime research communities (2009-2011)



·         Initiator and project leader of Towards Environmentally Sound Fishery Management in Protected Areas (EMPAS (2007-2008) 



Initiated and lead the project For a sustainable Saemangeum (FASS): Trying to prevent a governmental land reclamation project in a high-priority RAMSAR estuary in order to enable sustainable harvest of living resources by 14.000 fishermen and their families in Korea ROK (2001-2004)

Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP) in the European Wadden Sea

Leading role in developing and installing the Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP), a newly created integrated ecosystem monitoring programme based on recommendations from ecosystem research and other national research efforts in DK, GER, NL

MULTIMAR Wattforum

Leading role in developing and designing the MULTIMAR Wattforum in Tönning, Germany, the central visitor centre for the National Park Wadden Sea in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany (1994-1998)


Ökosystemforschung Wattenmeer

Coordinator of Ecosystem Research Wadden Sea (ÖSF). The project consisted of more than 40 individual projects with a funding volume of more than 20 Million deutschmarks over the period 1988-1995. Coordinator of the part A with explicit focus on applied research for policy makers and public administration. Details here



Profet Policy

A European Platform for the Communication of European RTD results to Stakeholders in management and policy advice in fisheries and aquaculture (Profet Policy) (2006-2009)




Kellermann-Consultants was contracted as consultant of thyssenkrupp Marine Systems GmbH for oXeanpedia, a start-up project in order to demonstrate how advanced technology can contribute towards an improved sustainable fishing practice. 2017 and 2018 Kellermann-Consultants has advised the oXeanpedia team on developing and adapting the fish finder (see picture) to the needs and specifications of fishing companies and research institutes and conducted North Atlantic-wide/EU-wide market research and identification of customers from among leading national fishing companies/quota owners